Pupil Appraisal

The Pupil Appraisal multidisciplinary team works closely with the SBLC in gathering information and assisting with response-to-intervention activities.  If a student does not progress using the response-to-intervention model, they may be referred by the SBLC for further evaluation by Pupil Appraisal staff.  The team includes a school psychologist, social worker, educational diagnostician, speech pathologist, and other professionals such as an occupational therapist, physical therapist, or audiologist, as needed.

School Building Level Committee

According to the Louisiana State Bulletin 1508, §303, The Pupil Appraisal Handbook, the School Building Level Committee (SBLC) is a general education, data driven, decision-making committee whose standing members consist of at least the principal/ designee, a classroom teacher, and the referring teacher. In discussing an individual student’s difficulties, the student’s parent or guardian is an invited participant. The SBLC should concentrate on one student at a time, reviewing and analyzing all screening data, including RTI results, to determine the most beneficial option for the student. The committee’s options include but are not limited to one of the following actions:

1. Conduct no further action at this time.

2. Continue current intervention and progress monitoring through the RTI process.

3. Conduct additional interventions through the RTI process.

4. Refer the student to the appropriate committee to conduct a Section 504 evaluation.

5. Refer the student to pupil appraisal personnel for support services.

6. Refer the student to pupil appraisal personnel for an individual evaluation if an exceptionality is suspected.