Overview of ESS Program

The East Feliciana Public Schools’ Exceptional Student Services Department offers a broad continuum of services for students three (3) through twenty-one (21) years of age that are residing within its jurisdiction. Students with a variety of special needs including learning difficulties, physical challenges, emotional difficulties, and giftedness are served to elementary and secondary school age children.

Programs are offered for:
Developmental Delay
Emotional Disturbance
Gifted and Talented
Hearing Impairment
Intellectual Disability
Multiple Disabilities
Orthopedic Impairment
Other Health Impairment
Specific Learning Disability
Speech or Language Impairment
Traumatic Brain Injury
Visual Impairment

ESS Programs


 Elementary and secondary programs utilize various organizational structures, including self-contained classes, resource rooms, combination self-contained/resource rooms and itinerant services. Each self-contained class has one teacher and one or more assistants. Placement depends upon the disability and needs of the students. 

From the least restrictive to the most restrictive, the models currently in use are as follows:

  • Inclusion provides services in the general class setting. Students with disabilities who traditionally may have been placed in separate special education classes because of significant needs for special services are "included" in a regular class setting. Support services are delivered to the student in the regular classroom to the extent which is appropriate.

  • Resource provides support services for students with disabilities. There is an emphasis on remediation and supplementary support for academic classes. Students work in small groups with a special education teacher that is closely coordinated with the general classroom program.

  • Self-contained classes are designed for students who need a small, structured environment. The students work with a special education teacher and an aide.

  • Hospital/Homebound- This placement is an option for students enrolled in regular education who are unable to attend regular classes due to physical or mental illness or injury which results in the student’s absence from school for at least 10 days. The inability to attend school must be verified by a licensed physician. Homebound instruction is intended to be temporary. The “temporary” requirement is based on the premise that instruction should take place in the school setting to the fullest extent possible. The goal of homebound services is to facilitate the student’s return to the current classroom setting. The student must be enrolled in public school and is expected to return to school. Hospital/homebound placement is also an alternative setting for the provision of special education services to students with disabilities who, due to the severity or medical condition of their disability, may be served in a hospital or home environment under parental or adult supervision. Request for homebound services begins at the school level through an SBLC or an IEP team meeting.

  • Speech and Language Therapy -Speech and language therapy, as indicated by testing, is available to students in kindergarten through grade 12 on a regular basis. The amount of time is determined by the severity of the problem. 


  • Adaptive Physical Education

  • Assistive Technology

  • Child Search

  • Counseling Services

  • Extended School Year

  • Gifted & Talented Services

  • Homebound Services

  • Occupational/ Physical Therapy

  • Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)

  • Pupil Appraisal

  • Speech & Language Therapy

  • Transition

Services are provided by special education teachers, classroom teachers, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, behavior interventionist, and others with specialized training and expertise.